Friday, September 25, 2009

Rosh Hashanah Drash

A drash is a commentary given during a Jewish service. It is usually a commentary on the Torah portion. In Keddem Congregation, the Erev Rosh Hashanah drash is given by the president. So it's a combination of address to the congregation and a commentary. Mine is now posted on the
Keddem website.

It's not precisely what I said because I have a tendency to amplify on the spot.

© 2009 Esther A. Heller


  1. Someone recently pointed out to me:

    "Had worn them really about the same,
    Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
    I took the one less traveled by,"

    So how did he know? Lovely drash, Esther! :)

  2. I've wondered myself, Ange.
    And thanks and I'm sorry you couldn't travel both and have been there. The singing was lovely too.
